Other Funding
Your Vanderlyn PTO partners with local and national companies that are committed to enriching the educational opportunities at our school. By participating in these events and programs, you can make a difference! Monies generated by these events and programs are submitted to the PTO Annual Fund and used to continue to enhance the academic excellence at Vanderlyn.
Spirit Nights
Each month you can take a break from cooking and meet your fellow Vanderlyn Vikings at one of your favorite local restaurants for dinner. Spirit Nights are a great opportunity to socialize with other Vanderlyn families and raise funds for our school. Portions of the proceeds generated on spirit nights are submitted to the PTO Annual Fund.
Corporate Partnerships and Fundraising
Below is a full list of participating companies. Please patron these businesses who support our school.
Box Tops for Education Program
The old Box Top Program is being phased out. When you see the new label, use the Box Top app to scan your receipt and Vanderlyn earns 10 cents for each label. We will continue to collect Box Tops during this transition.
Clip Box Top labels from eligible products and turn them into the school. Box Tops will be collected twice a year. Ziploc collection bags will be sent home via your child's VIP folder and you can return to their teacher.
i9 Sports is a youth sports league. i9 Sports donates $10 to Vanderlyn PTO for every student registration. Fliers are available at the table in front of the office, or visit www.i9sports.com.
Atlanta Colts Youth Association is a community youth flag football, tackle football, and cheer program based at Murphey Candler Park. $10 of every Vanderlyn student registration will be donated to our school. Fliers are available at the table in front of the office, or visit www.atlantacolts.com.
Register your Kroger Plus Card online, shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, you can pick one up at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
To use the Rewards Program, be sure to have your Kroger Plus Card handy and register online by clicking here.
- Click on Sign In/Register.
- If you do not already have an online account with Kroger.com, sign up for a Kroger Rewards account by entering your zip code, clicking on your favorite store, entering your email, and creating a password.
- After receiving a confirmation email, clink on the link within the email, then click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
- Click on edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
- Enter Vanderlyn Elementary PTO or our organization's number (51268) and select Vanderlyn Elementary PTO.
When shopping at your selected Kroger, you must use your registered Kroger Plus card or the phone number that is related to your registered card. You must register your card each year to continue the rewards program.
Simply sign up for a here (if you don’t already have one), select our school, then enter your phone number at checkout. Publix will give back to Vanderlyn.
Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program
When making purchases at Office Max or Office Depot, tell the cashier you want to participate in the 5% Back to Schools Program, using the Vanderlyn School ID: 70025550. Tip: Store our school's ID in your cell phone under Office Store Rebate for a quick lookup as you checkout.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 17
- Monday, January 20
- Friday, February 7
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11